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SCBKA Privacy Notice

What personal data does SCBKA collect?

The data we routinely collect include members’ names, addresses, telephone numbers and email
addresses. We collect these data directly from our members when they join SCBKA.


What are these personal data used for?

We use members’ data for the administration of their membership, the communication of
information and the organisation of events. We provide our membership data to the Suffolk
Beekeepers’ Association (SBKA) for their use as explained in the section below.


Who is your data shared with?

SBKA passes the membership data on to the British Beekeepers’ Association (BBKA) and to the
Bee Disease Insurance Scheme (BDI); you become a member of both when you join SCBKA.
Your personal data are not passed on by us to any other organisations.


Where do the data come from?

Data for most of our members comes from them when they join SCBKA or when they update their information. The information held by the BBKA may be updated by SCBKA if permission has been given by the member.


How are your data stored?

This information is mainly stored in digital form on computers which are password-protected and in the form of written documents stored securely at our Membership Secretary’s home.


Who is responsible for ensuring compliance with the relevant laws and regulations?

The person who is responsible for ensuring SCBKA discharges its obligations under the GDPR is the Secretary of SCBKA.


Who has access to your data?

Members of the committee of SCBKA have access to members’ data in order for them to carry
out their legitimate tasks for the organisation.


What is the legal basis for collecting these data?

SCBKA collects the personal data that is necessary for the purposes of its legitimate interests
as a membership organisation representing all aspects of beekeeping and Beekeepers.


How you can check what data we have about you?

If you want to see the basic membership data we hold about you, you should contact the
SCBKA Membership Secretary.


Does SCBKA collect any ‘special’ data?

The GDPR refers to sensitive personal data as ‘special categories of personal data’ such as dates
of birth and religion. We do not hold any such special data


How can you ask for data to be removed, limited or corrected?

There are various ways in which you can limit how your data are used:

• You could maintain your Association membership with your correct name but with
limited contact details. However, we do need to have at least one method of contacting
you. You could for example simply maintain an up-to-date email address, but of course
this would limit what we and the BBKA are able to provide you with in the way of
written information, so you would not be able to get the BBKA News delivered in printed
form or any other benefits that require a postal address.
• You do not need to provide us with your date of birth unless you wish to enter age-limited
events (such as the International Meeting of Young Beekeepers).
• You may choose not to receive information emails from SCBKA (we do not send any
out on behalf of other organisations).
• Any of these options can be implemented for your membership by contacting the
Secretary of SCBKA.


How long do we keep your data for, and why?

We normally keep members’ data after their membership lapses for two years, in case they later
wish to re-join. If they resign from the association or ask us to delete their information we will
not store their information at all. If a member dies we will delete their membership data as soon
as we receive notification from their next-of-kin.


Last updated 18 June 2020

© 2025 by Suffolk Coastal Beekeepers Association. 

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