Association Apiary

Suffolk Coastal Beekeepers' Association (SCBKA) apiary is near Aldringham. Our bee colonies are hived in National, Deep National, Commercial and a Top Bar Hive (TBH). It is a teaching apiary to support the training and development of members, either via hands-on hive inspections or to support the theory side of our beekeeping courses. When the apiary is used for course practical's or examinations, it is closed to members.
Our Teaching apiary sessions for members are on Saturdays between March - August, when the bees are most active. If you need any advice, guidance or reassurance and you're a member of Suffolk Coastal Beekeepers' Association, come along as there are always experienced beekeepers present. In order to manage numbers please let us know you'll be coming by pre-booking here. If there is something specific or something worrying you, it'd be helpful to know in advance so please just note it on the form.
Bees are sometimes available for sale to SCBKA members at reasonable rates. If you would like a colony or just a Queen, please contact us here. There is usually a small charge. We would like to remind members that caution should be exercised in purchasing bees from commercial suppliers as the provenance may not be known.
There is always something to do at the Teaching apiary from general ground maintenance, hive inspections, making up frames, swarm prevention, honey extraction to colony treatments. Many hands make light work so if you'd like to get involved or have a couple of free hours on a Saturday, please get in touch as we could always do with extra hands.