Here you'll find the latest news, articles and dates for your diary.
"Telling the Bees": is an ancient tradition where bees are told of important events such as births, marriages and deaths in the beekeepers household. Sadly we have had to "put the bees into mourning" and tell each hive belonging to one of our beekeepers of his death. Laurie Wiseman was a well-known, knowledgeable member of our Association. Read his obituary here.
Wanted: Events Co-ordinator? we have a vacancy on the committee that needs you! We need someone to fill this vacancy to be the main point of contact for local shows and schools at which we already have a presence and to organise volunteers/club members, eg: the Heveningham Country Fair in June. Free entry to local shows guaranteed.
Need Equipment or want to borrow the club spinner? Check out the Members area for availability. Members only.
SCBKA Dairy Dates
SAVE THE DATE: 23rd November 2024. When the bees have been 'put to bed' for winter, we have a members afternoon followed by a fish'n'chip supper. Keep an eye on this space for more information when available.
COMMITTEE MEETING: Tuesday 20th January 2025. 6pm at Saxmundham Library. There are a few vacancies on the committee, please let Penny know if you are willing and/or interested.
ANNUAL AGM: Saturday 22nd February 2025. All members welcome. Refreshments available.
SAVE THE DATE: Swarm Prevention and Control Training. 12th April 2025 at Darsham Village Hall.
Page Updated 09/01/2025
We would ask that SCBKA events are not advertised via any social media platform without discussion with the membership and education secretary. We'd like ensure that people arriving without a booking are not disappointed, and numbers still need to be managed.